How to Choose a Software Development Partner: A Non-Tech Founder’s Guide

Whether for a product development boost, streamlined project management, or addressing staff shortages, partnering with a software development services provider is a chance to bring growth to your business. It must, however, be kept in mind that there are two equally important factors to be looked at: tech expertise and project management proficiency.
Coming from the business side with a product background, executive decision-makers might need help to dig deep into technical nuances. A non-tech founder risks crucial business outcomes when selecting a software development partner. How do you make the right choice?
Based on how companies present themselves online, here is what to look at first:
Case studies
They can well enough be named “Success stories,” “Client success,” or whatever else, but treat them for what they are – a brief description of solving both technical and business problems. In addition to obviously listing the tech stack, a decent software development partner uses the “Solution” or “Approach” section to gain credibility in your eyes by showcasing how using each particular tool or framework moved the needle. The outcome section, besides technical specifications of the product delivered, usually
includes a description of the value provided and an outline of business metrics achieved.
Onsite blog
What do folks write about? Are there just generic buzzwords about trends and brands, or is there scrutiny of tools and technologies to tackle particular challenges?
Projects’ outcomes
If results are formulated generically, without real numbers showcasing actual significant impact, that might not be the company that can make your story a successful one.
Knowledge sharing
Tech experts are the core of any IT company. It’s a great sign of discipline if leads share their knowledge in corporate podcasts, on webinars, and in general on the company’s social media.
Moreover, it might be a good idea to reach out to the renowned clients the software house lists in the “Trusted by” section or describes in their case studies. By asking the public, you can get valuable insights into collaboration processes and corporate values. It is a red flag if what the IT consultancy claims does not correspond with what customers say in testimonials.
In the description of services being offered, there must be a balance between flexibility and focus. If a software development agency focuses on a few key industries (one of them being yours) and can also offer a wide range of services within them, that’s your perfect match.
The agency’s communication style and the brand’s tone of voice are to be taken into consideration – the corporate cultural match is an essential prerequisite for a fruitful collaboration.
To sum up, as with every decision-making, Open Source Intelligence research work must be done. Technical reliability plus cultural fit equals fruitful collaboration.
Think of partnering with us? Click “Contact Us,” and let’s make a difference together!